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Sobre Guitar Pro
Software de notación musical utilizado por sitios web de lecciones de guitarra/bajo y escuelas de música para crear, ejecutar y compartir partituras y tablaturas.
There's a large community of users that create and share tabs / scores / arrangements through GP software that make it easy to find AND HEAR music you are looking for.
All in all, the interface can be a bit confusing to learn, but with time, you'll be able to figure it out and make songs that sounds professional.
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Comentarios: En general ha sido buena para poder realizar ciertas tareas pero por ciertas limitaciones con otros instrumentos podría ser mejor
Puntos a favor:
Es muy practico para escribir frases de guitarra y escucharl lo que se esta escribiendo y realizar correcciones y es fácil de compartir para otros daws
Al principio la interfaz es algo complicada se necesita conocimientos previos para los estudiantes y no es muy intuitivo
Si eres músico definitivamente te encantará
Puntos a favor:
La forma fácil de representar y leer tablaturas
La interfaz de usuario esta bastante cargada lo que hace que a veces uno se confunda

El software principal para aprender musica
Comentarios: Las ventajas son muchas, si estás comenzando a aprender guitarra esta es la forma mas facil de entender el sonido de los tabs que tocas en tu guitarra además la ventaja de componer de manera rápida con un poco de experiencia en la interface.
Puntos a favor:
LLevo ocupando guitar pro desde hace años y lo que siempre me gusto es la opcion de reproducir los temas a la velocidad que quieras para aprender acerca de los compases las notas de la guitarra y también para componer temas diferentes a travez de los años que lo tengo.
Lo malo de guitar pro es que en la última versión del programa paso de ser algo praactico y rapido de entender a un guitar pro que se siente mas pesado consumiendo memoria ram y procesador, algo por lo cual veo mejor mantenerse en la versión anterior, gp5.
Aprende a leer tabs y partituras fácil!
Comentarios: Poder aprender y practicar la lectura musical y poder escribir composiciones si no se tiene a disposicion un DAW, realmente ayuda mucho
Puntos a favor:
El programa es genial para personas que se están iniciando en la música, ya que puedes aprender a leer tabs y partituras al mismo tiempo y de una manera muy fácil, además para escribir midis en diferentes instrumentos es muy útil, durante mucho tiempo lo he estado usando y realmente feliz con el programa
El programa se crashea cuando tienes muchos instrumentos en un proyecto, entonces hacer arreglos más grandes se dificulta, creo que ese sería el único problema que le encuentro
Más asistencia al usuario
Comentarios: En lo general yo que soy un músico aficionado me desarrollo muy bien usando este programa que me parece de muy buena calidad para el costo que tiene, he creado algunas canciones con el y nunca me ha fallado, también he visto canciones ya creadas y me ha servido de mucho en mi vida musical.
Puntos a favor:
En definitiva lo que mas me ha gustado de este software es la cantidad de opciones y características que posee, desde poder crear música en partituras hasta poder reproducirla y modificarla de acuerdo a tu gusto, sirve mucho al momento de crear alguna canción ya que cuenta con un gran banco de sonidos e instrumentos listos para usarse en cualquier momento, se nota que es un programa de calidad.
Lo menos atractivo de guitar pro creo yo que es el formato MIDI de los instrumentos, me gustaria que los instrumentos suenen mas reales, es un poco complicado al comienzo adaptarse a su uso pero con practica y tiempo en el programa le agarras mucha afinidad, fuera de esto me parece un muy buen programa al ahora de editar o crear partituras.
Comentarios: Muy fácil uso y acertada en la armonía de las cancio es
Puntos a favor:
Gran cantidad de canciones para aprender, muy intuitiva, después que sabes manejarla, muy fácil uso.
Podrían agregarle más cantidad de géneros musicales, no solamente pop, para llegarle a mayor cantidad de personas.

Exploring new melodies and learning to play and create my own compositions
Comentarios: One of the features that I appreciate the most is the realistic sound reproduction. Being able to hear how each note, chord, and riff sounds on different instruments has helped me improve my playing and techniques.
Puntos a favor:
One of the things that has fascinated me the most is the versatility and ease that it offers to edit and create tablatures and scores, but what has really impressed me is the possibility of reproducing the compositions that I have created, since in this application I can faithfully reproduce the sound of each instrument, allowing me to hear how each chord, each arpeggio and each solo sounds.
Sometimes when I try to edit an existing chord or add a new one I find it a bit cumbersome and not as intuitive as other features within the software. It would be great to have a more intuitive and friendly interface for chord editing, simplifying the process and increasing efficiency.
Alternativas consideradas:
Guitar Pro The Melody to Your music career
Comentarios: It is a great software to learn the basics to the advanced functions of guitar and make music like never before , i'll personally suggest every beginners who is eager to create something with guitar must go with this software.
Puntos a favor:
There are plenty of things i could write about guitar pro as far as i have experienced , some impactful features are :-1.Easy syncing of music 2. Adding of instruments is too easy3. Bsic import export features are too easy to use being a user friendly guitar tool it is the best way to create your best work into reality . By using guitar pro 8 , i literally seen a sudden change in my music quality anfd confidence over the chords.
One thing i don't like about guitar pro is it's lag while importing multiple audio file in one go , it creates a distorted frequency notes which is annoying.
Saves time
Comentarios: Good at creating music and to share it and save
Puntos a favor:
I use this to create music and storage it
Nothing there’s nothing I don’t like about it

Helpful Song writer
Puntos a favor:
I like this software. It helps me with my guitar arrangements and putting my music to paper. It has a lot of options to make life easier and does a great job of that! I like the Tab-editing also.
They changed the Pro 7 up and the interface gets confusing. I'm getting used to the new interface, but why change what's working.
Every guitarist, maybe even musicians, should be aware of Guitar Pro!
Comentarios: My overall experience with Guitar Pro is excellent. I will continue to use it for my personal, professional, and educational purposes for the foreseeable future. I regularly recommend it to my students, colleagues, and other working professionals in the music industry.
Puntos a favor:
Put very simply, Guitar Pro is one of the reasons I am as accomplished as a guitarist as I am today. When I was 18-19 yo, starting to use Guitar Pro (it was version 3 at the time) completely change the way I learned music. I had struggled for years to try and learn to play music by Dream Theater; their music is complex, technical, and normally quite long. Having Guitar Pro allowed me to break down the pieces, focus on specific sections, and gradually work up the parts. It still took a lot of work, but I was finally able to get the songs down. This lead to me working with a variety of different musicians, bands, and people who ended up becoming my current business partners.We now run a private music school in London, Ontario, Canada and make use of the latest version, Guitar Pro 8, on a daily basis. It is perfect for providing charts, creating exercises, and I even use it for putting together my own original compositions.As I said in the title, if you are a guitarist you owe it to yourself to spend some time working with Guitar Pro. It has something to offer for every player, even if just as tool for developing your own ideas.
The only complaint I have about Guitar Pro is that the interface for building or editing instrumental parts that aren't guitar or bass are rather awkward. Although I prefer using Guitar Pro, I've found that the interface when building drum and keyboard parts is much more intuitive when using a program like Sibelius. However, there is a reason they don't call it "Drum Pro" or "Piano Pro" :)
Highly recommend
Comentarios: My experience has been incredible, To all guitarists, regardless of ability level, I would heartily suggest. There are a ton of other helpful and educational resources available to support your ongoing guitar playing development.
Puntos a favor:
There are many instructional tools that help improve our guitar playing skills.
Possibly the abundance of buttons and settings. It makes a learning curve, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Improvement to your finger
Comentarios: I'm a musician since 1981 and the more i learn i the process i can say that every method is allowed. Guitar Pro is a sweet way to go beyond our expectations.
Puntos a favor:
This is an easy and effective method to improve your music skills, theres no way youll stop learning and looking beyond.
When you're learning there's never any things against.
Best Software Out There For Making Music
Comentarios: I have been a user since Guitar Pro 4 and the now using Guitar Pro 8, the software has come a long way and hope another version will have even more features. We have published some tablatures using Guitar pro 4 which are still being accessed by people in the internet so It has been a great experience using Guitar Pro.
Puntos a favor:
The ability to make tablatures with such an ease is the most useful. We also have been benefited by Guitar Pro to make awesome music for practice and making a midi music sound almost real by using multiple instruments is just too good. I personally learnt many songs to play in guitar by the help of Guitar Pro.
There is absolutely no issues with the features of Guitar Pro. I only hope for a discounted pricing on Guitar Pro 9.
Why should I buy guitar pro?
Comentarios: I used it to advise some musicians, since we made some changes to the original composition and the workflow we had was really nice.
Puntos a favor:
It is a tool that really makes life easier for music producers and session musicians. I can display the amount of ideas that I require at the moment, I can modify them as I want, it is great because we can get as creative as we want since the software gives us some ideas that feed our projects
For all those who have not had experience with similar software, it will be a little complicated and tedious at first, since with so many functions it can overwhelm beginners.

The best Guitar Tab Tool out there
Comentarios: Guitar Pro is one of the best notation tool out there. It is easy to handle and fun to play with. There are some problematic elements but it doesn't affect user experience in a critical way aside from some minor disgruntlements.
Puntos a favor:
Most of the notation tools makes notation look and feel very complicated and eerily impenetrable. But Guitar Pro makes it seem easy and completely approachable - which is very important for those making their first steps in music composition. Guitar Pro is probably one of the most accessible notation tabbing tools out there. It is extremely easy to master and very comfortable to use as a lean mean composition tool. It is especially useful if you have limited music education and just want to lay down your ideas. From the user experience perspective - it doesn't get any better. If you know the notation basics - it will take a couple of minutes to get around Guitar Pro's interface. The way the composition process is organised is very streamlined and allows many tweaks without getting tangled. Ever since the 5th version introduced realistically sounding instrument samples, Guitar Pro also became a very interesting tool for sonic experimentation. Sure, it is very limited in comparison with a full-fledged digital workstations - but it offers an interesting experience, especially from a 6th versions which introduced sound effects.
User interface might seem dense at first and it takes some time to get used to it. From a compositional standpoint - every instrument that is not fretted string one - is limited to the guitar-based tuning. Basically it limits the composition process to laying down the basics while fleshing out will require more specific software. The notation layout itself is somewhat clumsy and got some very irritating traits. Hot keys are messy and you often get confused over which combination does what. It is not critical but might bring you some discomfort. Version 6 and 7 often crash, especially if you try too hard with the RSE.
Guitar Pro( Friendly user)
Comentarios: I’m happy to share that guitar pro has helped me in teaching.As a music teacher i could make lot of notes for learners.
Puntos a favor:
Guitar pro is the best software where i came across. Specifically what i liked about guitar pro is “score writing” I used to find difficulties on this now it has made easier.
I found there are lot options still in it and there should be search button where it becomes easy to search what we need.
A great tool that keeps evolving and getting better.
Comentarios: I've used this for years in different versions. It's made it easy for me to create tabbings to share with my students, as well as collaborate with other musicians on writing projects.
Puntos a favor:
It's more than just a tabbing software - there's lots of those and many are free. This has an easy-to-use interface, loads quickly, and has many options. And it keeps getting better - it's getting to a point where the tool is starting to truly be competitive with full-scale music notation/arrangement software for a fraction of the price ($50 vs $300+). Allows the creation of professional-looking charts and sheet music. Has superior playback quality (both MIDI and simulated realistic instruments). Progression/melody generation and analysis as well.
Sometimes the standard notation bit looks wonky/isn't arranged in perfect context (stem directions and etc) but this can mostly be manually corrected.
This is a great music editor
Comentarios: Improve my skills in music
Puntos a favor:
The program has many functions. It is possible to carry out a set of percussion, wind and stringed instruments. In general, there are about 180 musical instruments in the program. Basically the program is designed for guitarists. Although other musicians can work in it. The program is useful for amateur and professional musicians, there is absolutely everything to improve their playing level. Tablature can be typed from the keyboard, there is support for third-party Input synthesizers, support for MIDI-input, MIDI-export. You can convert files to PDF, Word and some other formats for ease of printing. This is a great music editor that allows you to adjust, create and listen to music recordings created by this program. It's not difficult to use. If you like to compose and play music - I think that this program is indispensable.
The only disadvantage, probably, is that to work with Guitar Pro Program you need to have at least some skills of solfeggio (at least know the duration of notes and sizes) - If this is the case it will be much easier for you.
The ultimate tool for every musician and music enthusiasts
Puntos a favor:
I've been using Guitar Pro for awhile and it has always pleased me, its a powerful tool if you are a pro and if you are amateur it's good as well. Great for music producers, composers and pro players. If you're an amateur it can help you too because the TAB section will give you all you need to play your music if you don't know how to actually read a partiture
The live instrument emulator is not good enough, compared to other software, maybe you'll rather (jus like i do) to use the MIDI default playback
Guitar Pro 7: The Future of Music Composition
Comentarios: Guitar pro makes composing music a dream. You can literally lay out every single note and harmony, adjust amp models/tones to get the sound you want, and have everything written PERFECTLY prior to recording.
Puntos a favor:
The best part to me about guitar pro 7 is the refreshed User Interface from previous versions. As someone who has been around since Guitar Pro 4, this software's ease of use as well as functionality have improved tremendously over the years. You could teach anyone any instrument with this tool, and that's a beautiful thing.
I don't have much negative to say about this software. The only real issue I've had is that it glitches up when I have more than 8 or so different tracks, or have other applications running in the background. Honestly, that's more than likely a computer issue and not an issue with the software.
Do you play for relaxation or professionally? GP helps you either way.
Comentarios: I have been using GP since the 4th. Since I started playing guitar at the age of 13 I found this wonderful thing on the internet. This app was always with me helping me to improve as a musician. I've never had many professional experiences, except for some gigs with friends and I've had some bands and strictly all songs were composed in GP. At that time I already had GP5. Because I've been using it for a long I had some troubles about GP6 layout, but I got used to it. After some years stopped using it, I got back because now I'm playing bass. I never took classes or studied scales, I just download the songs from my GP or try to play them by ear and compose something. I don't see myself studying music with another app, it would be blasphemous.
Puntos a favor:
After I learned to read tablatures, my musical life changed. The composition tools have also helped me a lot with my creative process. The transition from midi to RSE was fantastic. I wish I had more time to explore everything GP offers, but composing and playing some Iron Maiden stuff in my spare time is therapy for me.
I had a little trouble understanding all the innovations from GP5 to GP6. They gave more options of sounds and timbre in the instruments, made everything a little closer to the real thing, but also made it more complicated too. It was a very abrupt change.
Best guitar software for beginner and artist
Comentarios: Overall experience with guitar pro is good and will continue my journey of learning guitar with this software ,will suggest to beginners also.
Puntos a favor:
I most liked is guitar notation showing to create new music and customize also compose the chords, music and guitar can be tuned using it's polyphonic tuner which is great.
I least like about the software is there are so many effects and features needs proper guide and it cost to upgrade to new version, other all thinks are fine.

It is ideal for creative musicians
Comentarios: Ease of use, good to create
Puntos a favor:
It is an ideal tool for people who work with music and is also ideal for people who have music as a hobby, it is a great tool and i love it in particular and it is very useful because i work with music, i am singer and i often cover many songs, so i use Guitar Pro to fix the music tracks and to translate the tablature to instruments, Guitar pro offers me a wide bank of sounds and different instruments and is easy to use.
Guitar Pro is totally great, but i think it could improve the sound of some instruments to make them look more real, like for example the sound of the metals (wind instruments), this is one of the most difficult to emulate.
Excelent practice software for musicians and non-musicians
Comentarios: They simplified the interface and you can show or hide the sections not used, when you practice guitar you can mute the guitar track to play along with the other instruments, the RSE is pretty good for drums, bass and synth, so, if you have a good transcription of the song you can use it a you backing track for your shows.
Puntos a favor:
It has a ver accurate and simple guitar execution engine wich allows you to visualize the tablature or partiture of a particular song.
Since the 7th version the speed trainer can't be personalized as previous versions, so when you want to practice incrementally, it only has a fixed set of speed from 70% to 100%, this is so limited when you are practicing metal solos...